Coyote Spirit
By Weeping Eagle
Shots. What were three are now two. What was once a spiritually revered beast, is now a scourge to be hunted, poisoned, trapped.
They have been visiting. What started as a late afternoon run-by has become a morning saunter. Tired from the night’s hunt, they return. They’re so close I can see their breathing. They stop, they look, they smell, as if they know I’m watching. And it’s OK. We share a respect for each other. We are both part of Nature’s One.
A carnivore. One that monogamously mates for life. One that eliminates the weak and diseased. Part of the natural order.
The Trickster. Wily Coyote. Some say the coyote spirit is part man part coyote and able to change between the two. A frequent visitor to the underworld. The creator of man from dung.
Why does modern man revere the elk and deer but not the coyote?
Symbolism. Metaphors. Man can no longer accept his frailty in Nature’s balance. Man must be the controller, the protector. How else can he assure his own fate?
Man’s coyote awaits him. The one that thins the crowd. That is the message from the coyote spirit.